Why Professional services, Like Chiro’s and Physio’s need to use facebook Meta ads, and not just search ads on google.

In the competitive landscape of professional services, particularly in the healthcare industry, chiropractors face the ongoing challenge of attracting and retaining clients. While traditional methods like word-of-mouth referrals and local advertising have their place, the digital age presents new opportunities for chiropractors to expand their reach and connect with potential clients in more targeted ways. One such avenue that is proving to be highly effective is Facebook advertising.

While Google Ads have long been a staple in online advertising for healthcare practitioners, the emergence of Facebook Ads presents a compelling opportunity to expand their reach and drive meaningful engagement. Let’s delve into the reasons why leveraging Facebook Ads alongside Google Ads is essential for success in today’s competitive market.

The benefits of Facebooks ads, compared to stand alone google ads include;

  1. Targeting Precision:
    • Google Ads rely on keyword targeting, capturing users actively searching for specific services.
    • Facebook Ads offer sophisticated demographic, interest-based, and behavioral targeting, reaching a broader audience beyond search intent.
  2. Visual Appeal:
    • Google Ads are text-based and lack visual engagement, limiting their ability to capture attention.
    • Facebook Ads utilize images, videos, and carousels, enhancing visual appeal and driving higher engagement rates.
  3. Community Building:
    • Google Ads focus on immediate conversions, often missing the opportunity to build relationships with potential clients.
    • Facebook Ads foster community engagement through likes, comments, shares, and event invitations, nurturing trust and loyalty over time.
  4. Retargeting and Nurturing:
    • Google Ads offer retargeting options but may not provide ongoing engagement and nurturing.

Facebook Ads offer robust retargeting capabilities, allowing for custom audience creation and targeted messaging to nurture leads effectively.

The Checklist Group

The Case Study: Chiropractic Clinic in Brisbane

Let’s take a closer look at a real-life example of how leveraging Facebook ads alongside Google ads has transformed the marketing strategy for a chiropractic clinic in Brisbane. This clinic, a client of ours at Checklist Group, had been struggling to generate consistent leads and convert them into paying customers. Despite offering exceptional services, they found it challenging to stand out in a crowded market. They had recently went through a re-brand, which impacted their lead generation, as many people had never heard from them, as well as the lack of education around the benefits of chiropractors. 

The Approach: Targeted Facebook Ads

Recognising the potential of Facebook ads to reach their target audience, we implemented a strategic advertising campaign focused on promoting the clinic’s initial consultation fee. By targeting users in the Brisbane area who showed an interest in chiropractic care or related topics, we were able to reach a highly relevant audience with our ads.

We not only ran a lead generation campaign, but also utilised a traffic campaign to their social media page, brand awareness campaign and re-targetting campaign to ensure we were hitting their target market and achieving the 7 points of contact method. 

The Results: Impressive Lead Generation and Conversion Rates

Over the course of just four weeks, the chiropractic clinic saw remarkable results from our Facebook advertising campaign. Here’s a snapshot of the outcomes:

  • Total Leads Generated: 271
  • Lead Cost Range: $6-$18 per lead
  • Conversion Rate: 30% of leads converted into paying customers after the initial consultation


How Did We Achieve This Success?

The key to our success lay in our strategic approach to Facebook advertising. By highlighting the clinic’s initial consultation fee, we captured the attention of potential clients who were actively seeking chiropractic services. This not only generated a substantial number of leads but also ensured that these leads were highly qualified and motivated to take action.

Beyond Lead Generation: Nurturing and Conversion

But our efforts didn’t stop at lead generation. We also implemented a comprehensive lead nurturing strategy, leveraging email communication and organic social media to engage with leads and build rapport. This ongoing communication helped to educate potential clients about the clinic’s services and benefits, ultimately leading to a significant conversion rate of 30%.

We also educated and provided insight into organic marketing to increase brand awareness and urgency. This lead to higher quality leads. 

Conclusion: The Power of Facebook Ads for Professional services

This case study serves as a compelling example of the impact that Facebook advertising can have on the success of professional services and clinics. By targeting the right audience with the right message, can attract qualified leads, nurture relationships, and ultimately convert them into loyal, paying customers. With the help of Checklist Group and strategic digital marketing tactics, chiropractors can thrive in today’s competitive market.

If you’re a chiropractor looking to take your practice to the next level, consider incorporating Facebook ads into your marketing strategy. The results speak for themselves.